Welcome to Peter & Virginia’s Further Adventures on
S/Y Saildance II
Welcome to Peter & Virginia’s Further Adventures on
S/Y Saildance II
The Oyster Circumnavigation Award Presented January 2012
We invite you to join us on our odyssey around the world on Saildance II. In the four and a half years since the christening, we have travelled about two-thirds of the way around and we are now in Singapore ( April 2010). It has been a wonderful opportunity to explore new and often remote places, meet all sorts of interesting people and live in a beautiful, exhilarating and often challenging environment. We have defied the adage that lightning never strikes twice by being hit both in Bundaberg, Australia in November ’08 and again in Singapore in November ’09. We are now ready to explore South East Asia this year. Early in 2011 we will join a rally to sail west past the Somali pirates, up the Red Sea to the Med.
We hope you will enjoy following our journey and sharing some of our experiences by looking at our Blog. It only starts in March 2008 and takes you up to the present. Also, on the Blog page you can click on RSS Subscribe to be alerted each time we post a new entry.
If you click on the Blog link above you will be able to follow our adventures as they happen.